Category: Gallery


On the extreme south coast of CornwallLies the picturesque Cadgwith CoveIt’s the home of fishermen’s familiesA very special treasure trove The fishing fleet is centralIt’s

Newlyn by Terry Harry

Taken on a wonderful day with very few boats out at sea, probably because of the problems of getting their catches into Europe. Our thoughts

GWENNAP PIT by Ruth Tremayne Harry

With photos by Terry Harry It’s the heart of the Methodist worldWhere John Wesley made his markAnd as the people came to listenSomething profound had

Trebah Gardens

This is a truly wonderful garden where Ruth & Terry spent a wonderful afternoon. They both took many photos, which are shown below. The garden

Godolphin House Gardens

This is a record of a visit by Ruth & Terry on 14th August 2020 where it was quite an overcast day. The photos as