Cornwall Yesteryear has been active since March 2020 and has not only served its purpose but made me very proud that tens of thousands of people who have seen it worldwide.
It was of course put online to help those in isolation or unwell during the Covid pandemic.
It has been a struggle to get articles, especially from Cornish organisations, societies and groups. Some of these are Trusts with paid PR staff. There have been some wonderful people who have sent many articles. One I would like to mention is Tony Mansell & Cornish Story thank you.
Please click on the link and pay the site a visit and donate if you can afford to.

Farewell and thanks for your support, please remember Cornwall does not belong to anyone but to everyone.
Keep well and enjoy Cornwall and its people.
This site will soon be closing and will not be updated anymore. Current articles and photos will remain until the renewal comes up.

Trevose Lighthouse a photo taken on 22 March 2025 by my 12 year old grandaughter Freya.