Surfboards and sunsets
And pasties for lunch
With mackerel and ice cream
And flowers by the bunch
The hedges were high
And morals to match
Roosters and chickens
With eggs that would hatch
There were horses and rabbits
And sermons galore
With milkmen and grocers
Bringing food to your door
The steam train arrived
As my alarm every day
Then the bread man drove up
Saffron buns on display

The Methodist Chapel
Was the big focal point
But the village youth club
Was a seedier joint
We’d meet on the Green
To hang out with the boys
And climb sycamore trees
To escape family noise
With gymkhanas and whist drives
The Parish Council would meet
My Mum was the clerk
That was quite the hot seat
Grass track racing at night
The roar filled the air
We tasted the thrill
There was danger to share
Fish and chips in a van
At last heaven had come
But it exploded in flames
Before the cooking was done
Sunday School Anniversary
Was the height of the year
I would practice my solo
The lesson was clear
You had better conform
For God’s in command
My Dad’s on the organ
Does he understand?
There’s a farm on the corner
And a Pub by the Green
But that’s a place to avoid
Just make sure you’re not seen
Crossing gates were the heart
Of the small village lanes
Sleeman’s coal yard next door
But we’re the Tremayne’s

The garden show was the chance
For the locals to shine
There were carrots and beans
Grown to perfection on time
The farmers would triumph
They were best in the show
They had secrets not shared
How to make seedlings grow
With miniature gardens
The children compete
This creative pursuit
Kept the kids off the street
But with veggies and flowers
It was all based on size
The biggest and best
Would win the first prize
An idyllic time
Such an innocent life
I couldn’t wait to escape
The fate of being a wife
A village childhood
Was one I’ll never forget
And this Cornish adventure
Is not over yet